Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) "15th OMU Promotion Days" started with the opening ceremony at Çobanlı Pier, Atakum district of Samsun. At the 15th OMU Promotion Day, which attracts great interest from university candidates and citizens and continues until August 2, aims to promote the university and sportive and cultural activities.
The opening ceremony was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal, Atakum Mayor Cemil Deveci, Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Recep Sancak, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Batuk, Prof. Dr. Fehmi Yazıcı, faculty deans, academics, the student council, university administrators, university candidates, students and citizens.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal thanked those who contributed to the event and congratulated the teams that came first in the competitions. Emphasizing that OMU is a half-century-old University, Rector Ünal said, "When we look at the region, we want OMU, which is the most important structure not only of Samsun but also of the Black Sea Region, to add value to our city and to make the city a center of attraction."
Rector Ünal, who said that research and knowledge should shape the future, stated that they wanted to invest in the future of the students who will choose the university by being with them from the beginning of their education life.
Rector Ünal, who said that they wanted student clubs to be seriously active in the new period, stated that they would start face-to-face education but continue the distance education method in some courses.
In their speech, Rector Ünal gave the good news university students had been waiting for months upon the insistent questions of those who watched the ceremony live on social media platforms: "We will start face-to-face education. We will use distance education in some courses. Ondokuz Mayıs University is one of the rare universities with a strong infrastructure and a lot of experience in this regard. We will only use distance education through the education system we have established as much as needed. Face-to-face education will begin within the period determined in the academic calendar. All our exams will be face-to-face. There will be no remote exams."
Atakum Mayor Cemil Deveci, who gave a short speech at the opening ceremony, expressed their satisfaction with the invitation and thanked Rector Ünal. President Deveci said, "Dear students and guests, the vision and goals of the Atakum district go in parallel with Ondokuz Mayıs University. We have talked with OMU Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal frequently since the day they took office. We will together try to integrate the future of this city with their and the University's goals, and we will carry our cooperation to a further point."
School and profession introductions, interviews, concerts, concerts, sports, shows and entertaining events took place at the 15th OMU Promotion Days organized in cooperation with the Samsun Metropolitan Municipality.
OMU took part in the promotion day with its 18 faculties, 1 college, 1 state conservatory and 11 vocational schools. In addition, career and health conversations took place during the event. International opportunities, especially Erasmus+, were explained, and information was given about many possibilities with the International Relations booth.
University candidates were informed about the campuses, scholarship, nutrition, health and accommodation opportunities, sports and social activities, campus opportunities and student and faculty exchange programs. Academicians and students met with prospective students and answered their questions about the University and their preferences. Participants found the chance to get to know the schools and reach informative documents.
At the end of the day, Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal chatted with university candidates and students on the beach and answered sincerely their questions.