Research Universities Performance Monitoring Criteria
13 Kasım 2024, Çarşamba - 10:18
Güncelleme: 05 Mart 2025, Çarşamba - 15:20

Research universities have long been the driving force behind scientific discoveries, a cradle for innovations, and the source of ideas shaping the future of societies. These prestigious institutions generate knowledge and serve it for society's benefit, enhancing the country’s competitive edge.

Historically, research universities have gained prominence since the 19th century due to their missions in education, science, and societal contributions, eventually evolving into a model based on knowledge production and innovation. In our country, universities nominated or approved as research universities are evaluated based on criteria set by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), updated annually, and categorized under three main headings.

Firstly, the Research Capacity Criteria (40% weight) measure the strength and effectiveness of our university's scientific activities. Research output is generally expressed by the number of scientific publications, while the number of citations these publications receive reflects the level of academic impact. The amount of funding and number of accepted projects from national and international projects—key factors supporting the development of universities' research infrastructure—indicate the level of support a university has received in meeting contemporary needs. Applications and grants for patents serve as one of the essential indicators of a university's demonstrated competence in the field of innovation.

Research Quality Criteria (40% weight) are set to measure not the quantity but the quality of academic output. The ratio of publications in high-quality academic journals to total publications and the number of citations from reputable journals emphasizes the importance of adding new and high-quality knowledge to the literature. The percentage of open-access publications is considered a crucial indicator of sharing knowledge with broader audiences, while our accredited programs enable graduates to share acquired knowledge internationally. Awards received by our esteemed academics serve as a source of pride for our university and as indicators of the high quality of research conducted.

Finally, the Interaction and Collaboration Criteria (20% weight) assesses our university’s level of collaboration with other institutions and industry. Publications conducted in partnership with industry highlight our university's role in knowledge sharing and technology transfer. Projects funded by public resources reflect the university’s social impact, while the proportions of international students and academic staff strengthen our university’s standing in terms of cultural diversity and global appeal.

These criteria guide our university in shaping its research and development strategies, providing a roadmap to further advance our achievements in R&D. Our university is fully committed to becoming a research university by pioneering scientific knowledge production, innovation, and technology development.


Indicator Definitions and Data Sources:

Indicator Definition Source
1.1. Number of Scientific Publications The count of articles and reviews published in 2023 in journals indexed in the ISI Citation Index (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and A&HCI) databases. Web of Science - InCites 
1.2. Number of Citations Total number of citations received by all articles and reviews published between 2018 and 2023 in journals indexed in the ISI Citation Index (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and A&HCI) databases. Web of Science - InCites 
1.3. Number of Projects Supported by National R&D and Innovation Support Programs The count of projects that began, were ongoing, or completed in 2023 with support from National R&D and Innovation Support Programs. (Includes consultancy services provided for publicly funded industry projects in the fields of R&D and innovation; excludes investment and BAP projects.) TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, SSB, TAGEM, TENMAK, TİTCK, TÜSEB, and Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
1.4. Total Funds Transferred from National R&D and Innovation Support Programs The total budget transferred to the institution in 2023 within the scope of projects supported by National R&D and Innovation Support Programs. (Includes consultancy services for publicly funded industry projects in the fields of R&D and innovation; excludes investment and BAP projects.) TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, SSB, TAGEM, TENMAK, TÜSEB, and Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
1.5. International Project Fund Amount The total budget transferred to the institution in 2023 for projects supported by TÜBİTAK and the National Agency. TÜBİTAK, National Agency
1.6. Number of National and International Patent Applications National Patent Applications:
The number of national patent applications made to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office by the institution or its members in 2023.
International Patent Applications:  
The number of international patent applications made by the institution or its members in 2023.
TURKPATENT, Universities
1.7. Number of National Patents Granted The number of patents registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in 2023 for inventions owned by the institution or its members. TÜRKPATENT
1.8. Number of International Patents Granted The number of patents registered by international patent offices in 2023 for inventions owned by the institution or its members. TURKPATENT, Universities
1.9. Number of Utility Model and Design Certificates Granted The number of utility model and design certificates registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in 2023 for inventions owned by the institution or its members. TÜRKPATENT
1.10. Number of Supported International Projects The count of projects submitted and supported within the scope of 2023 calls by TÜBİTAK and the National Agency. TÜBİTAK, National Agency


Indicator Definition Source
2.1. Proportion of Scholarly Publications Ranked in the Top 50% by Incites Journal Impact Factor The ratio of articles and reviews published in 2023 that are ranked in the top 50% (Q1+Q2) in terms of Incites Journal Impact Factor to the total number of the same types of publications in the same year. Web of Science - InCites 
2.2. Proportion of Publications Cited in the Top 10% Bracket The ratio of articles and reviews published in ISI Citation Index databases (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and AHCI) in 2023 that received citations placing them in the top 10% to the total number of the same types of publications. Web of Science - InCites 
2.3. Number of Scientific Awards The number of awards received in 2023 by faculty members or students of the institution under the YÖK Superior Achievement (Institutional, Individual, and Special Fields)*, TÜBİTAK (Science, Special, Service, and Incentive Awards), and TÜBA GEBİP Awards.
*The university where the thesis was conducted will be considered for individual awards.
2.4. Funding Amount from Technology Platform Projects Supported under TÜBİTAK 1004 Program The amount of funds transferred to the institution in 2023 as part of the Technology Platform Project supported under the TÜBİTAK 1004 Program, either as a project leader or member. TÜBİTAK
2.5. Percentage of Open Access Publications The proportion of articles and reviews indexed in ISI Citation Index databases (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and AHCI) in 2023 that are available through open-access services. Web of Science - InCites
2.6. Performance in Global Academic General Rankings The institution’s position in the THE, QS, and ARWU Global Academic General Rankings for 2023. THE - QS - ARWU
2.7. Number of Accredited Programs The total number of accredited programs based on the 2023 Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide. 2023 YKS Guide
2.8. International Doctoral Student Ratio The ratio of international doctoral students to the total number of doctoral students enrolled in the institution during the 2022-2023 academic year. YÖK
2.9. Number of Doctoral Graduates The number of doctoral graduates in the 2022-2023 academic year (including TUS, DUS, EUS, and Proficiency in Art programs). YÖK
2.10. Number of Doctoral Students The total number of doctoral students in the 2022-2023 academic year. YÖK


Indicator Definition Source
3.1. University-to-University Collaborative Publication Ratio The ratio of collaborative articles and reviews published with other universities in ISI Citation Index (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and A&HCI) indexed journals in 2023 to the total number of such publications in the same year. Web of Science - InCites 
3.2. University-to-Industry Collaborative Publication Ratio The ratio of collaborative articles and reviews published with industry partners in ISI Citation Index (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and A&HCI) indexed journals in 2023 to the total number of such publications in the same year. Web of Science - InCites 
3.3. International Collaborative Publication Ratio The ratio of internationally collaborative articles and reviews published in ISI Citation Index (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, and A&HCI) indexed journals in 2023 to the total number of such publications in the same year. Web of Science - InCites 
3.4. National and International Patent Certificates in University-Industry Collaboration National Patent Certificates in University-Industry Collaboration: Number of patents registered in 2023 by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, where at least one applicant or inventor is from the institution, or is a student at the institution, and at least one applicant or inventor is from the private sector.
International Patent Certificates in University-Industry Collaboration: Number of patents registered in 2023 by international patent offices with at least one applicant or inventor from the institution or studying there, and at least one from the private sector.
TÜRKPATENT, Universities
3.5. National and International Patent Certificates in International Collaboration National Patent Certificates in International Collaboration: Number of patents registered in 2023 by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office where at least one applicant or inventor is from the institution, or a faculty member, and at least one from the private sector.
International Patent Certificates in International Collaboration: Number of patents registered in 2023 by international patent offices with at least one applicant or inventor from the institution or faculty member, and at least one from the private sector.
TÜRKPATENT, Universities
3.6. Funding Amount from Publicly Supported University-Industry R&D and Innovation Projects The total funding amount received in 2023 from university-industry collaborative projects supported by National R&D and Innovation Support Programs (projects funded by public institutions for R&D and innovation, including consulting services for publicly supported industry projects, excluding investment and BAP projects). TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, SSB, TAGEM, TENMAK, TÜSEB, and Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change.
3.7. Number of Publicly Supported University-Industry R&D and Innovation Projects The number of university-industry collaborative projects supported by National R&D and Innovation Support Programs that started, continued, or were completed in 2023 (excluding investment and BAP projects). TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, SSB, TAGEM, TENMAK, TİTCK, TÜSEB, and Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change.
3.8. International Student Ratio The ratio of international students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in the 2022-2023 academic year to the total number of students. YÖK
3.9. International Faculty Ratio The ratio of international faculty members (Professors, associate professors, assistant professors, excluding those assigned to the School of Foreign Languages) in the 2022-2023 academic year to the total number of faculty members. YÖK
3.10. Number of Circulating Faculty and Students The number of faculty and students involved in exchange programs under the National Agency, TÜBİTAK, and YÖK mobility programs in 2023 (including incoming and outgoing participants). National Agency, TÜBİTAK, YÖK
3.11. Number of Students in TÜBİTAK 2244 Industrial PhD Program The total number of students enrolled in the TÜBİTAK 2244 Industrial PhD Program in 2023. TÜBİTAK


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