Patients Find Healing with the Treatment Applied at Havza Thermal Springs
04 Ağustos 2023, Cuma - 15:38
Güncelleme: 04 Eylül 2023, Pazartesi - 15:39

Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Havza Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Havza district of Samsun, famous for its hot springs, heals patients with thermal therapy.

The center, established within OMU in 2019, provides services to patients needing physical therapy with outpatient clinics and treatment units affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine's Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. In the district where thermal springs with temperatures reaching 53 degrees Celsius exist, these waters have been used for thousands of years for healing.

Prof. Dr. İlker İlhanlı: Effective Against Many Diseases

The center offers 42 beds in 19 rooms and thermal pools for guests who wish to stay and patients undergoing treatment.

Prof. Dr. İlker İlhanlı, a faculty member of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation at OMU Faculty of Medicine and the Chief Physician of Havza Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center, stated that spa therapy has been applied for thousands of years.

Explaining the presence of various minerals and gases in underground thermal waters, İlhanlı said, "The health effects of these have been known for thousands of years. In Havza, we have such a beautiful geothermal source, and thanks to the minerals and gases it contains, it can heal many diseases, including musculoskeletal disorders, women's health issues, male reproductive system disorders, and skin diseases."

"Diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of diseases can be performed."

İlhanlı, stating that all kinds of physical therapy and rehabilitation services can be applied through spa therapy at the center, spoke as follows:

"At our center, in addition to rehabilitating patients with paralysis and orthopedic problems, the diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of muscle and bone-related diseases such as calcification, lumbar and cervical herniation can be carried out. In appropriate cases, spa therapy is used in conjunction with these treatments. Our center provides outpatient services to 30 patients daily. Moreover, between 250 and 300 patients receive physical therapy, rehabilitation, and spa services six days a week. Patients can schedule appointments through the OMU system or call our center."

"Our patient satisfaction rates are close to 100%."

İlhanlı emphasized their commitment to patient satisfaction, saying, "Here, we conduct monthly patient satisfaction surveys with our own developed system. Based on the results of these surveys, we take measures to address and improve areas that need correction. Thankfully, our satisfaction rates are close to 100%."

"One of the rare facilities designed as a residential physical therapy center in Türkiye."

İlhanlı emphasized that the center also serves health tourism, stating, "Our center provides accommodation services through our university. It is one of the rare facilities designed as a residential physical therapy center in Turkey. Our center makes significant contributions to health tourism not only in Havza district and our province but also to the entire region. We are located in a highly tourism-prone area, right on the route of an international road that connects the Black Sea to Central Anatolia. Additionally, we can serve all the surrounding cities and districts. We welcome patients from many cities and districts, such as Amasya, Çorum, Tokat, Sinop, and Ordu. Havza Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is a pioneering center in health tourism due to its accommodation services."