OMU Shares Its Knowledge and Experience in the Field of Health Internationally
16 Mart 2023, Perşembe - 02:04
Güncelleme: 30 Mart 2023, Perşembe - 02:06

OMU's Impact in Africa Draws Attention

While getting in touch with many African countries within the scope of internationalization activities, Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) strives to strengthen and deepen the relations it has established with universities in different countries of the continent.

Within the framework of the cooperation network in question, Doctor Mahmoud El-Gazaar, Medical Director of Kibuli Muslim Hospital, one of the important hospitals of the East African country Uganda, visited OMU and made contacts.

Ugandan guest El-Gazaar first went on a tour of the Medical Faculty Hospital under the guidance of Deputy Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Davut Güven. Having witnessed the current situation of the different units of the hospital, Dr. El-Gazaar received information from Dr. Güven about the everyday functioning and operations being carried out.

"Hospital services, practices, and technologies are admirable"

During the visit, Dr. El-Gazaar noted that the intensive care unit capacity of the hospital is higher than that of many African countries and expressed his satisfaction. El-Gazaar, who had the opportunity to observe many units and operating theaters during the visit, said the hospital services, practices, and technologies were admirable.

Health tourism was discussed

Medical Director Dr. Mahmoud El-Gazaar also visited OMU International Health Tourism Department member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Sina Coşkun. During the meeting, where the health systems in Uganda and Turkey were the focal point, the details of the treatment of incurable patients in Uganda at the University and the support of OMU doctors to various aid missions in Uganda were discussed.

Rector Ünal hosted Dr. El-Gazaar at the Guesthouse

Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal hosted the Medical Director Dr. Mahmoud El-Gazaar, at the Guesthouse on the occasion of his visit. At the dinner meeting, the contributions that OMU can provide to Uganda in the fields of education and health, the support that can be given to the Faculty of Medicine planned to be established within the Kibuli Muslim Hospital, and the outlines of the cooperation agreement scheduled to be signed were discussed.

Dr. Al-Gazaar "The OMU campus and technology are far more advanced than most universities around the world"

Dr. El-Gazaar, accompanied by Instructor Tolga Arslan, examined the entire campus. Stating that he was very impressed by the Stem Cell Center and Dentistry Hospital visits, El-Gazaar said that the OMU campus and its technology are much more advanced than most universities worldwide. El-Gazaar, who also visited the OMU Faculty of Health Sciences, stated that he found the laboratories used by the students in the Nursing and Midwifery Departments very impressive.

After the campus visits, Dr. El-Gazaar met with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Çokluk.

Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Çokluk "OMU is ready to transfer knowledge and experience"

At the last stop of the visits, Dr. El-Gazaar met with the Head of the International Relations Office, Prof.Dr. Mustafa Said Kurşunoğlu. Possible inter-institutional cooperation and student and personnel exchange opportunities were discussed.