Ideas in the Field of Defense Industry Met at OMU
03 Ağustos 2022, Çarşamba - 11:31
Güncelleme: 12 Ocak 2023, Perşembe - 11:33

The second day of the Post 15 July Developments in Defense Industry Workshop ended with presentations on ideas in the defence industry.

After the presentations, experts in their fields came together at Atatürk Congress Center (AKM) to hold workshop and B2B meetings at the end of the day.

In the 1st table, where the subject called Developments in the Field of Artificial Intelligence in the Defense Industry was discussed, Prof. Dr. Erdal Kılıç, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sedat Akleylek, Dr. İsmail İşeri, Dr. Emel Soylu, Dr. İsmail Çetin, Res. Asst. Kübra Seyhan, Res. Asst. Meryem Soysaldı Şahin, Res. Asst. Durmuş Özkan Şahin, Erdem Şahinkaya (SAMPA), Ahmet Selim Anakök (Provincial Directorate of Security), Hakan Can Altunay (Cybernova), Sema Gül Türk (Adapha), Gendarmerie SFC Muammer Bağcı (Provincial Gendarmerie Command) shared their ideas.

Prof. Dr. Engin Burgaz, Prof. Dr. Sevim Alışır, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Demircan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Mesci Oktay, Dr. Sinem Çevik, Dr. İbrahim İnanç, Res. Asst. Merve Arabacı Yiğiter, Res. Asst. Eyüp Akbulut, Dr. Mehmet Kuru, Dr. Ali Ekber Özdemir (Ordu University), Dr. Mert Göksüzoğlu (SAMPA), Tuğba Edinsel (SAMPA), Feridun Ceylan (Provincial Directorate of Security), Özkan Arslan (RF Analiz), Osman Öğüten (MC Filtre), Gendarmerie SFC Ahmet Turan Aydın (Provincial Gendarmerie Command) Gendarmerie SFC Cengizhan Yoldaş (Provincial Gendarmerie Command), and CPO Adnan Alper Atan (Coast Guard Regional Command) expressed their opinions at the 2nd table, where the subject called Advanced Materials and Energy in the Defense Industry was discussed.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aktaş, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çetin Kurnaz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap Karagöl, Dr. İdris Sancaktar, İrem Kocaman, Res. Asst. Barış Çavuş, Res. Asst. Fatih Durmuş, Ömer Kurt, Osman Bilgi (MKF Mühendislik), Ümit Şahin (Provincial Directorate of Security), Ferda Namdar (Techone Mühendislik), Şehmuz Altan Ayaydın (RF Analiz), Gendarmerie FS İlker Karaoğlan (Provincial Gendarmerie Command), Sgt. Nuri Atar (Coast Guard Regional Command) and SPC Sgt. Orhun Tokmak (Coast Guard Regional Command) expressed their opinions at the 3rd table, where the subject called Developments in the Field of Electricity and Electronics in the Defense Industry was discussed.

Lastly, Prof. Dr. Naci Kurgan, Prof. Dr. Kemal Yıldızlı, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mevlüt Gürbüz, Lecturer Muhammet Anıl Kaya, Dr. Görkem Dengiz, Dr. Onur Yontar, Utku Albayrak (SAMPA), Şahin Sezer (Provincial Directorate of Security), Hasan Baş (ALPHA), Ahmet Rasim Girişen (ARBİL), Hasan Öğüten (MC Filtre), SFC Haydar Küçükyılmaz, Kadir Gürkan (Chamber of Mechanical Engineers), Sgt. İrem Mete Erdil (Provincial Gendarmerie Command), CPO Kemal Aksu (Coast Guard Regional Command), and Dr. Bilal Sungur (Samsun University) shared their ideas at the 4th table, where the subject called Developments in the Field of Machinery in the Defense Industry was discussed.

The workshop's organising committee consists of Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Sevim Alışır, Samsun Technopark General Manager Ekrem Altan and Central Black Sea Cooperation Platform President Abdurrahman Karataş.

A consequent report of the workshop table meetings and presentations will be shared with the public.