Report Card Ceremony Held for Hospitalized Children
21 Haziran 2022, Salı - 14:42
Güncelleme: 12 Ocak 2023, Perşembe - 11:33

A report card ceremony was held for the students hospitalised in Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Medical Faculty Children's Hospital due to chronic diseases and continued their classes while in the hospital environment during their treatment.

Teachers working in the hospital, hospital managers, health workers, patient relatives and students attended the ceremony.

“We are an exemplary hospital class in Turkey”

Expert teacher Necati Er, who gave information about the hospital classroom, has stated that they are the exemplary hospital class in our country, which provides the most comprehensive service in terms of equipment and student capacity, and includes primary, secondary and high school hospital classes.

Necati Er talked about the activities for students in his speech and said, “Primary, middle, and high school students receive their education here as if they were at their regular school. While successful studies were carried out in our classroom in the second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, grades of our students who stayed in the hospital environment for more than one month during the term were sent to their schools so that they could pass their classes and get report cards. In addition, 2 of our 8th-grade students took the LGS Exam in the hospital environment. On behalf of myself and my students, I would like to thank all the participants who did not leave us alone at the ceremony we held at the end of the academic year and wish our students a speedy recovery.”

Then the students were presented with their report cards and gifts.