Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Visits Rector Bilgiç
29 March 2017, Wednesday - 16:32
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

Yu Hongyang, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China and accompanying delegation visited Prof. Sait Bilgiç, Rector of Ondokuz Mayıs University, in his office.

Vice Rector Prof. Vedat Ceyhan and General Secretary Assoc. Prof. Menderes Kabadayı were also present at the meeting, and mutual agreement was made as a result of the communion about the development of educational, commercial and touristic relationships between China and Turkey.

"We would like to establish new departments giving education in Chinese

Rector Prof. Sait Bilgiç said that they had the opportunity to know China thanks to Chinese academicians working at OMU, and he stated: "there are many academicians and students wishing to learn Chinese at our university. Therefore, we would like to initiate our activities in this issue. Apart from the language schools teaching Chinese, we want to establish different departments offering education in Chinese. For this reason, we need to have instructors who can teach Chinese. We are waiting for your support in this sense".

"China and Turkey should become balancing powers for assuring peace in the world"

Rector Bilgiç underlined the significance of languages in terms of communication, and he remarked: "we are well aware of our responsibilities to educate qualified individuals as a university. The more people we encourage to learn Chinese, the stronger will be the relationship of two countries. I believe that this initiative will make great contribution to the peace in the world. I think that the balancing powers such as China and Turkey should gain more strength and fight against the imperialist countries causing wars in order to colonize the world. The improvement of the relationship between these two countries is also important at that point".

"OMU is a worldwide university"

Yu Hongyang, Ambassador the People’s Republic of China, said that OMU was a leading university both in Turkey and in the world, and he expressed: "we are closely interested in your university as the Embassy. We would be glad to offer any kind of support for Chinese education. There has been an increasing need for Turkish people knowing Chinese for the development of Turkish-Chinese cooperation in commercial and cultural issues especially since 2012. Knowing English is not sufficient specifically in the tourism sector because numerous Chinese people having different educational background can visit your country".

Ambassador Yu Hongyang also said that they had a close contact with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in numerous subjects for the development of the relationship between two countries, and he stated that they planned to establish a university with the cooperation of China and Turkey.