Prof. Dr. Selim Aytaç: “Hemp Products Have a Lower Carbon Footprint”
22 January 2024, Monday - 02:44
Updated: 20 February 2024, Tuesday - 02:44

Prof. Dr. Selim Aytaç, Director of the Hemp Research Institute at Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ), has stated that products made from hemp have a lower carbon footprint compared to other industrial products. In 2023, approximately 2,730 acres of hemp were cultivated in Samsun, which is being used in various fields, primarily textiles. Samsun, dubbed as the 'hemp production hub', has registered two varieties of hemp known as 'Narlı' and 'Vezir'.

Prof. Dr. Aytaç highlighted the environmental benefits of hemp, especially in clothing production, "Hemp’s higher carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen emission rates compared to other plants make it a negative carbon footprint contributor in the industrial sector." He emphasized the efficiency of hemp in absorbing carbon dioxide – for instance, 1.62 tons of carbon dioxide is absorbed per ton of dry matter produced. This absorption significantly reduces the carbon footprint during production.

"Market Value of Low Carbon Footprint Products to Rise"

Prof. Dr. Aytaç pointed out the advantages of hemp products over other high-value products, "The carbon footprint, which refers to the amount of carbon used during the production of a good, is increasingly being measured in industrial productions. Products with a lower carbon footprint will be more valuable in the market. There’s even discussion on imposing extra taxes on products with a high carbon footprint. The Green Deal Agreement adopted by the European Union in 2019 lays the foundation for this approach."

"Contributes to a More Natural Lifestyle"

Highlighting the breathability of hemp-made clothing compared to synthetic products, Aytaç said, "Every agricultural and technological input used in hemp production entails carbon emissions. The use of pesticides and fertilizers, agricultural processes, and subsequent industrial processing all necessitate carbon usage. However, the oxygen production and carbon dioxide absorption by the hemp plant in the field result in a positive carbon balance. Hemp undergoes less processing than other plants in the industrial sector, leading to a lower carbon footprint in the final product. This is an advantage. Studies have shown that clothing made from hemp allows more air to pass through to the body compared to synthetic products, contributing to a more natural lifestyle."