Cooperation Protocol Signed Between OMU, HAVELSAN, and Samsun Technopark
31 August 2022, Wednesday - 16:39
Updated: 12 January 2023, Thursday - 11:33

Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU), Hava Elektronik Sanayii A.Ş. (HAVELSAN) and Samsun Technopark signed a cooperation protocol for personnel training in the field of technology.

Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal, HAVELSAN General Manager Mehmet Akif Nacar and Samsun Teknopark General Manager Ekrem Altan signed the protocol at the ceremony held at the HAVELSAN stand of Teknofest Karadeniz, continuing at Samsun Çarşamba Airport. Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Selim Eren and Prof. Dr. Sevim Alışır, Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Dr. İdris Varıcı, academicians and students attended the ceremony.

HAVELSAN Academy will be established at OMU

HAVELSAN Academy, which will be established within the body of OMU and the coordination of the Black Sea Region will be provided by Samsun Technopark, aims to provide face-to-face and online completion training to academics within the university on the topics to be determined jointly. It is also aimed that the academicians convey their experiences from the HAVELSAN Academy training to the students and the engineers of the companies in their regions.

In addition, with the protocol, it is planned to place the joint work on a concrete and sustainable basis and to assign representatives to the training centers to supervise the training sessions at the training centers.


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