Academic Interest in OMU from Uganda Continues to Grow
15 May 2023, Monday - 21:37
Updated: 15 May 2023, Monday - 21:37

Prof. Dr. Vincent Kakembo, the Rector of Muteesa I Royal University (MRU), a prominent higher education institution in Uganda, along with Juliet Kakembo, the International Relations Manager, paid a visit to Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) with the aim of fostering bilateral relations and strengthening ties between the two institutions and countries.

During their four-day visit program, Rector Prof. Dr. Vincent Kakembo and International Relations Manager Juliet Kakembo explored the Kurupelit Campus, getting a firsthand look at OMU's facilities and capabilities through various department visits.

"Faculty of Dentistry Hospital Equipped for Modern Education"

During the initial stage of the visit tour, the Ugandan guests, accompanied by OMU's East Africa Coordinator Tolga Arslan, visited the Faculty of Dentistry and its Hospital. Deputy Hospital Manager Kemal Soylu provided the guests with detailed information about the hospital units, faculty classrooms, and laboratories. The Ugandan visitors expressed that the Faculty of Dentistry possesses a high-level scientific infrastructure and modern facilities, ensuring proficiency in providing quality education.

Subsequently, the guests proceeded to the Distance Education Center (UZEM), meeting with Director Dr. Hasan Atsız. During the meeting, the higher education systems in Uganda and Türkiye were discussed, along with potential collaborations.

Agreement on Collaborative Online Courses between UZEM and MRU 

Impressed by the infrastructure of UZEM and expressing their intention to establish a similar structure at their university, Rector Kakembo stated that they look forward to the support of OMU in this endeavor. Director Atsız, indicating their readiness for all necessary collaboration, reached an agreement with the guests from MRU on conducting joint online courses in line with the capabilities and opportunities of the Center.

A Rich Information Center: Exploring the Central Library

The guest duo then explored the Central Library, where they remarked on its modern infrastructure and diverse resources, making it a rich information center that adheres to current standards.

"Faculty of Medicine Hospital is impressive"

The next destination of the visit was the Faculty of Medicine Hospital. Accompanied by Deputy Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Davut Güven and Hospital Manager Osman Gül, the visiting guests toured the Adult Hospital, where they examined the In Vitro Fertilization Center, Maternity Ward, intensive care units, operating theaters, Radiology Unit, Private Ward, and outpatient clinics. The Ugandan guests expressed their admiration for the Faculty of Medicine Hospital, noting that they had only seen many practices and technologies used there in certain European institutions.

As part of the visit program, the Ugandan guests also visited the Faculty of Health Sciences and met with Dean Prof. Dr. Murat Terzi. Rector Kakembo mentioned the need for OMU's consultancy services for the Nursing Program they plan to establish within MRU. Dean Terzi assured them of OMU's willingness to provide the necessary assistance. During the visit to the Faculty, Rector Kakembo emphasized his admiration for the advanced nursing laboratories and expressed his request to Dean Terzi regarding establishing similar laboratories in Uganda.

Moral Visit to the Multiple Sclerosis Patient Camp by the Guests

The guest duo also paid a morale visit to the 9th Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patient Camp, hosted by OMU.

The camp, which had the participation of 150 patients from all around Türkiye, provided an opportunity for Rector Vincent Kakembo and International Relations Manager Juliet Kakembo to engage in conversations with volunteers, patients, and their families.

As part of the visiting series, the guests met with Prof. Dr. Said Kurşunoğlu, the Head of the International Relations Department, in his office, where they exchanged ideas on ensuring the functionality of the agreement signed between OMU and MRU. During the meeting, discussions also took place regarding collaborations within the framework of the Erasmus Program, with the participation of Erasmus Institutional Coordinator Dr. Mehmet Tütüncü.

The guests' tour continued with visits to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (İTBF) and the Faculty of Engineering.

They visited the office of Dean Prof. Dr. Vedat Keleş at İTBF, where they discussed potential collaborations between the institutions. Following the meeting with Dean Keleş, they proceeded to the office of Prof. Dr. Ali Uzun, the Head of the Physical Geography Department, where discussions centered around joint publications and collaborations in the field of geography.

Request for Establishing Engineering Faculty Laboratories at MRU

At the Faculty of Engineering, the guests were welcomed by Associate Professor Dr. Çetin Kurnaz, the Vice Dean. They toured the laboratories and classrooms after receiving preliminary information about the Faculty. Rector Kakembo expressed their desire to establish similar laboratories at MRU. Vice Dean Kurnaz assured them that they would provide consultancy in establishing these facilities after finalizing their assessments and analyses.

Subsequently, the delegation reconvened with Associate Professor Dr. Çetin Kurnaz, this time at the Karadeniz Advanced Technology Research and Application Center (KİTAM). Accompanied by Deputy Director Dr. Perihan Akbaş, the guests had the opportunity to examine KİTAM's laboratories and equipment, where laboratory managers provided them with comprehensive information. The guests admired the photographs obtained from the "Scanning Electron Microscope" at KİTAM and took detailed notes.

During the tour of Kurupelit Campus, the guest duo was hosted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mevlüt Gürbüz, the General Manager of TEKNOPARK, and Research Assistant Dr. İsmail Çetin, the Deputy General Coordinator of OMÜ-TTO. The guests were provided with information about the formation, history, functioning, and impact of TEKNOPARK. Upon Rector Kakembo's request, General Manager Gürbüz expressed their willingness to offer consultancy services to establish a similar structure in Uganda. The delegation visited various companies within TEKNOPARK and gained insight into their ongoing activities.

In addition to the above, accompanied by Dr. Ümit Özcan, the delegation visited the Animal Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, where they were informed about the hospital's facilities and practices.

Breakfast Meeting with Rector Ünal

OMÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal met with MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Vincent Kakembo and International Relations Manager Juliet Kakembo at the OMÜ Guest House for a breakfast meeting.

During the meeting, various topics were discussed, including Turkiye-Uganda relations, Türkiye's growing presence in Africa, potential collaborations between OMU and MRU, educational policies and current trends, as well as the significance of OMU's contributions to Uganda's education and healthcare systems for the region.

The meeting then continued at the Rector's office with the presence of Rector Ünal. Guest Rector Kakembo expressed his gratitude to Rector Ünal for dedicating ample time to them despite his busy schedule, and he conveyed that they felt at home due to the hospitality and warmth shown to them.

Rector Ünal, in turn, discussed OMU's vision for Africa and the policies it has set for the entire continent, particularly East Africa. The meeting also addressed the contributions that OMU could provide to MRU in establishing new faculties.

The meeting, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, concluded with exchanging gifts and a commemorative photo.

In the final part of the visiting series, the Ugandan guests proceeded to the Turkish Language Teaching Practice and Research Center (OMÜ-TÜRKÇE). There, they met with Director Prof. Dr. Bekir Şişman and Deputy Director Instructor Yahya Kurt, who provided information about the history and activities of OMÜ-TÜRKÇE.

"OMÜ-TÜRKÇE plays a key role in international students' learning of Turkish and adapting to the University and the city"

Guest Rector Vincent Kakembo emphasized the significant role of OMÜ-TÜRKÇE in the internationalization process, particularly in helping international students learn Turkish and adapt to the university and the city. The delegation then visited the classrooms and had the opportunity to meet with international students learning Turkish, including two Ugandans.

In addition, Muteesa I Royal University (MRU) Rector Prof. Dr. Vincent Kakembo and International Relations Manager Juliet Kakembo, as guests of Rector Ünal, attended a luncheon with Çarşamba Mayor Halit Doğan and Senate members before the Senate meeting at Çarşamba Mustafa Kemal Güneşdoğdu Campus.

At the Çarşamba campus, accompanied by the Department Chair of Radio, Television, and Cinema, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nursel Bolat and the Department Chair of Communication and Design, Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Nur Erdem, the guests explored the Faculty's library, classrooms, laboratories, and studios. They shared their ideas and evaluations regarding possible academic collaborations that could be implemented.