The Relationship Between Uganda and OMU Deepens
14 May 2023, Sunday - 20:11
Updated: 14 May 2023, Sunday - 20:14
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William Edward Ssettuba, the Head of the Career Guidance Unit at Mengo SS High School, Uganda's oldest school established in 1895, along with businessman David Lugya Sserunkuuma, who has contributed to the organization of the Ondokuz Mayıs University International Student Entrance Examination (OMU-YÖS) in Uganda, had the opportunity to get a closer look at OMU through their visits to different departments on the Main Campus.

Based on the information they acquired during OMU's promotional activities in Uganda in February 2023, William Edward Ssettuba and David Lugya Sserunkuuma arrived in Samsun intending to enhance the relationship between OMU and Uganda. They embarked on a visiting tour at OMU.
During the first stop of their visit program, the Ugandan guests, guided by OMU's East Africa Coordinator Tolga Arslan, paid a visit to Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Cengiz Batuk in his office.

Guests evaluated many topics with Vice-Rector Batuk

During the visit, a wide range of topics were discussed between the guests and Vice-Rector Batuk. These included the history of Uganda and Africa, the evolving relationship between Türkiye and Africa, the Ugandan education system, the significance OMU places on Uganda and Africa, as well as the contributions OMU can make in the fields of education and health, and the potential long-term outcomes of these contributions.

The promotional activities carried out by OMU in Uganda have yielded positive results in alignment with OMU's vision for Africa

During the meeting, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Cengiz Batuk and the guests also examined the growing visibility of OMU in the region as a result of the impactful promotional activities conducted by Coordinator Arslan in Uganda in February of this year. They discussed the outcomes of this increased visibility, potential collaborations, and the aspects of these collaborations that contribute to bringing countries closer together.

The aim is to attract more students from Uganda to Samsun through the OMU-YÖS (Ondokuz Mayıs University International Student Examination)

During the second phase of the visiting tour, the Ugandan delegation met with Dr. Hasan Atsız, the Director of the Distance Education Center (UZEM). The visit to UZEM involved discussions on various topics, including the details and latest plans concerning the OMU-YÖS examination to be conducted in Uganda. They also examined the positive effects of the OMU-YÖS promotional activities in Uganda in February and strategies to further enhance the impact of OMU-YÖS in Uganda. Plans to attract more Ugandan students, African history, and the Ugandan education system were also discussed.

Rektör Ünal hosted the delegation

Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal graciously hosted the Ugandan delegation at his office.

During the visit, Rector Ünal provided an overview of OMU, emphasizing the University's dedication to the African continent and Uganda. He shared information about the planned activities in the region, highlighting the significance OMU places on fostering strong ties with Africa.

Head of Career Guidance Unit Ssettuba "The quality education that OMU will offer is very valuable for the future of Uganda."

During the meeting, William Edward Ssettuba, the Head of the Career Guidance Unit at Mengo SS, shared the detrimental effects of the British colonization period on Uganda's education system. He emphasized the value of the high-quality education that OMU will provide to Ugandan youth, highlighting its significant contribution to the country's future.

Rector Ünal " As the OMU family, we will do everything in our power to strengthen these bonds of brotherhood."

Rector Ünal, highlighting the absence of colonialism in Turkish and Islamic history, further stated, "According to our Islamic belief, we view all individuals as equals without discriminating based on language, religion, race, or sect. In this regard, our country regards African peoples as our brothers, and as the OMU family, we will do everything in our power to strengthen these bonds of brotherhood."

"I will visit Uganda as soon as possible"

Rector Ünal expressed his gratitude towards Instructor Tolga Arslan, who introduced OMU in Uganda, and businessman David Lugya Sserunkuuma for their contributions to these promotional activities.

He continued by stating, "I must say that these activities are a great beginning. I will personally visit Uganda as soon as possible and work towards strengthening the growing fraternal bonds between our two countries. Our aim, at this point, is for OMU to play a much more active role in Uganda. To achieve this, we have comprehensive plans in the fields of education and healthcare for the region. As OMU, we continue our international and intercultural efforts with full dedication, emphasizing the principles of cooperation, solidarity, and partnership."

Sserunkuuma "I think OMU will become an important brand in Uganda."

Businessman David Lugya Sserunkuuma expressed his gratitude to Rector Ünal for the importance given to Uganda and shared his belief that OMU's visibility has rapidly increased in the country, expecting it to become a significant brand nationwide in a short time. He also discussed the challenges in Uganda's education and health sectors and stated that they are aware of OMU's potential to address these issues. Sserunkuuma emphasized that OMU is a great opportunity and chance for the region's people, particularly in the fields of education and health.

The meeting concluded in a warm atmosphere with the exchange of gifts and a commemorative photo session.

"The Faculty of Dentistry Hospital is an exemplary center with its equipment and dynamism."

After their visit to the Rectorate, the Ugandan guests had the opportunity to explore the Faculty of Dentistry and the Dental Hospital. Guided by the Assistant Director of the Dental Hospital, Kemal Soylu, the guests received detailed information about the Faculty and the Hospital. They were able to visit the different units of the Hospital as well as the classrooms and laboratories of the Faculty.

Ugandan guests personally experienced dental procedures

The Ugandan guests had the opportunity to experience the teeth-cleaning process personally. They underwent a dental cleaning procedure while visiting the Faculty of Dentistry and the Dental Hospital. This hands-on experience allowed them to witness the quality of dental services provided by OMU and gain a firsthand understanding of the expertise and care offered by the dental professionals at the institution.

The Ugandan delegation highlighted the advanced technological infrastructure and facilities of the Faculty of Dentistry Hospital, stating that it is an exemplary center in terms of its equipment and dynamism. They expressed their admiration for the advanced technologies and resources available at the hospital, which contribute to providing high-quality dental care.

Central Library reflects OMÜ's brand value

The Ugandan delegation began the next day of their tour by visiting the Central Library, and they were impressed by the library's collection, archive, and infrastructure. They observed that the library is well-equipped to meet the needs of its users and effectively reflects the brand value of OMU.

The Central Library's extensive collection of books, journals, and other resources provides students, faculty, and researchers with a rich academic environment. Its archive preserves valuable historical and scholarly materials, contributing to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge.
The delegation recognized that the Central Library plays a significant role in supporting the academic pursuits of OMU's students and faculty members. By providing access to a diverse range of resources and creating a conducive learning environment, the library embodies OMU's commitment to academic excellence, research, and intellectual growth.

Overall, the visit to the Central Library reinforced the delegation's understanding of the importance OMU places on knowledge, research, and the dissemination of information, further highlighting the University's brand value and commitment to education.

They witnessed most of the technological equipment in the Medical Faculty Hospital for the first time

During the continuation of their visit, the Ugandan guests had the opportunity to explore the Medical Faculty Hospital. Led by Hospital Manager Osman Gül, they visited various departments and units, including the IVF Center, intensive care units, operating rooms, Radiology Unit, Special Service, maternity ward, and polyclinics.

The guests expressed their admiration for the hospital's advanced technological equipment as they witnessed many of these technologies for the first time. They were impressed by the hospital's state-of-the-art facilities and the level of sophistication in medical equipment and services.
The visit provided the Ugandan delegation with valuable insights into the capabilities and advancements of OMU's Medical Faculty Hospital. The detailed explanations provided by Director Gül and the hospital staff allowed the guests to gain a deeper understanding of the hospital's operations and the level of care it offers to patients.

The experience highlighted the commitment of OMU's Medical Faculty Hospital to staying at the forefront of medical technology and providing high-quality healthcare services. It also showcased OMU's dedication to training healthcare professionals and contributing to the advancement of medical science.

Overall, the visit to the Medical Faculty Hospital left a lasting impression on the Ugandan guests, who appreciated the opportunity to witness and learn from the hospital's advanced technological capabilities.

After the hospital visit, the Ugandan delegation met with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Çokluk, in his office. Deputy Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Davut Güven also attended the meeting. Various topics were discussed during the meeting, including the Turkish health system, medical education, the potential contributions of OMU to the African continent and Uganda in the health field, and collaborations for providing specialist training to Ugandan doctors.

The delegation had the opportunity to exchange ideas and information with Prof. Dr. Çokluk and Prof. Dr. Güven, gaining valuable insights into Türkiye's healthcare system and medical education. The discussions revolved around the strengths and challenges of the Turkish healthcare system, highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing between OMU and Uganda in the healthcare sector.

The potential areas of collaboration were explored, with a particular focus on providing specialist training to Ugandan doctors. The Ugandan delegation expressed their interest in establishing partnerships with OMU to enhance the expertise and skills of their medical professionals. They acknowledged the value of OMU's experience and resources in providing quality medical education and healthcare services.

The meeting fostered a spirit of cooperation and knowledge exchange between OMU and Uganda, laying the groundwork for future collaborations in the field of healthcare. It emphasized the shared commitment to advancing medical education, improving healthcare standards, and addressing the specific healthcare needs of the Ugandan population.

"OMU can play an important role in the education and health sectors that need urgent solutions in Uganda."

David Lugya Sserunkuuma emphasized the urgent need for solutions in Uganda's education and health sectors and stated that OMU could play a crucial role in addressing the challenges faced in these areas. Sserunkuuma further added that the immediate action should be to increase the visibility of OMU in Uganda, allowing the citizens to recognize that they have an alternative in these sectors.

The recognition of OMU as a reputable institution in Uganda would help raise awareness among the population about the educational and healthcare opportunities offered by the University. By increasing its visibility, OMU can attract students and professionals who seek quality education and healthcare services. This, in turn, can contribute to reducing the existing problems and improving the overall standards in the Ugandan education and health sectors.

Sserunkuuma's comments highlight the potential impact that OMU can have in addressing the urgent needs of Uganda's education and health sectors. By providing alternative options and promoting the visibility of OMU, the University can help alleviate the challenges faced in these areas and contribute to developing the country's human capital and healthcare infrastructure.

The exchange of ideas and perspectives during the visit and discussions with Ugandan delegates shed light on the specific needs and priorities of Uganda's education and health sectors. This information can guide OMU in formulating effective strategies and initiatives to address these needs and make a meaningful impact in Uganda.

Overall, recognizing OMU's potential role in the education and health sectors highlights the importance of partnerships, collaborations, and knowledge-sharing between institutions from different countries. By leveraging its expertise and resources, OMU can contribute to advancing education and healthcare in Uganda, fostering sustainable development, and improving the well-being of the Ugandan population.

OMU plans IVF Center within Kibuli Muslim Hospital

Deputy Chief Physician Güven stated that the IVF Center, which will be located within the Kibuli Muslim Hospital, one of Uganda's leading hospitals, is being planned by OMU. This indicates the University's commitment to expanding its collaboration and involvement in the healthcare sector of Uganda. The establishment of the IVF Center demonstrates OMU's dedication to providing specialized medical services and addressing the needs of the local population.

The efforts of Deputy Chief Physician Güven and the OMU team to work in partnership with Uganda highlight the University's commitment to fostering cooperation and sharing knowledge in healthcare. By collaborating with established healthcare institutions like Kibuli Muslim Hospital, OMU can leverage its expertise to enhance healthcare services and contribute to advancements in medical technology and practices in Uganda.

Furthermore, Dean Çokluk's emphasis on providing specialized training for Ugandan doctors underscores OMU's commitment to capacity building and knowledge transfer. By offering training programs and expertise, OMU aims to enhance the skills and qualifications of healthcare professionals in Uganda, ultimately contributing to the overall improvement of the healthcare sector in the region.

These initiatives reflect OMU's dedication to making a lasting impact on Uganda's education and healthcare sectors. By establishing the IVF Center and providing specialized training, OMU seeks to address specific healthcare needs, improve medical services, and contribute to developing the local healthcare workforce. Such collaborations and efforts are essential for building sustainable healthcare systems and promoting the well-being of the Ugandan population.

Final visits: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Animal Hospital

During the final leg of the visit, the Ugandan guests had the opportunity to observe the classrooms and laboratories of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Faculty of Science. This allowed them to gain insights into the academic and research activities carried out in these faculties.

The tour concluded with a visit to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's Research and Practice Hospital. Accompanied by Deputy Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Serhan Serhat Ay, the Ugandan guests received detailed information about the hospital's departments and clinics. They were briefed on the advanced technologies and practices employed at OMU, highlighting the University's commitment to providing high-quality veterinary care and conducting cutting-edge research in the field.

By including the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's Research and Practice Hospital in the visiting series, OMU showcased its diverse academic programs and research capabilities. These visits gave the Ugandan guests a comprehensive overview of OMU's educational, scientific, and healthcare facilities, further strengthening the bilateral cooperation and potential collaborations between OMU and Uganda in various fields.

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